Elmiron Eye Damage Symptoms Causing a Vision Loss

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Elmiron Eye Damage Symptoms Causing a Vision Loss

Janssen Pharmaceuticals produced a phenomenal blood-thinning medicine in 1996, it is Elmiron. Unexpectedly, Elmiron has side effects that might damage your eyes. How can this medicine be harmful? What are the Elmiron eye damage symptoms after taking the medicine? Read down below to gain the answer to those questions!

Elmiron Short Overview

The FDA already stated approval for Elmiron to be used for treating interstitial cystitis. This medicine is supposed to treat a painful bladder syndrome that a lot of women should overcome. The study to analyze the capability of this medicine took almost three months to determine whether it was effective or not. 

After taking several times to determine, if the medicine won’t work in treating interstitial cystitis, the medical professional will be taking another way. The medical professional or your doctor would be stopping the use of Elmiron after six months.

In this case, if the consumption of Elmiron shows improvements in patients’ health, they could be taking Elmiron for a long time. Unfortunately, the consumption period that may take a long time would show particular side effects. Those reactions would be severe, such as eye damage. 

Several severe eye damages due to the consumption can cause a permanent disease such as Pigmentary Maculopathy. Further, the Elmiron eye damage symptoms have been shown in certain situations including blurred vision. 

Eye Damages Caused by Elmiron

Several eye damages are caused by the consumption routine of Elmiron. The Elmiron eye damage symptoms would appear as it is the common symptom of every side effect of eye damage, including:

1. Diabetic Retinopathy

The first side effect of Elmiron’s cause of eye damage is Diabetic Retinopathy. This syndrome is a diabetes complication syndrome that affects human eyes caused by injury to the blood vessels of the retina. The mild Diabetic Retinopathy couldn’t cause any severe reaction until it gets worse and results in blindness.

The Retinopathy condition could be developed based on the type of Diabetes. Your period of having diabetes would determine the possibility of getting eye damage because of Elmiron. Additionally, the level of your sugar is a part of examining the Elmiron eye damage symptoms that could appear. 

Common Symptoms

Further, there are common symptoms that occur to signify Diabetes Retinopathy. You can check the symptoms below and build your awareness of your eye condition after taking Elmiron. 

  • Floaters. This is a condition when you find strings or spots floating in your vision.
  • Your vision is slowly being blurred.
  • Fluctuation vision.
  • You start to feel there are dark and empty areas in your vision.
  • Loss of vision.

2. Maculopathy

A serious side effect of the painful bladder syndrome is Maculopathy. This condition occurs when your macula which is spotted in the center of your retina is injured. The macula is responsible for detecting the sharpest central vision of your eyes and when it is injured, your vision becomes blurry.  

In addition, Diabetic Retinopathy also plays a part in the injury that occurs in the Macula. The complications of both syndromes would create new severe side effects of the use of Elmiron. 

Common Symptoms

The major function of Macula is to provide you with fine details of your vision. Your ability to do activities with good vision is the result of Macula’s job to become a fine-detail vision system. Regardless, if you feel your vision has not been so detailed, your Macula might be injured. These are the common symptoms of Maculopathy.

  • The visual acuity has decreased.
  • Your vision is distorted.
  • Poor color vision.
  • There is a blind spot right in the center of your vision.
  • Light sensitivity increased.
  • Unable to see clearly in the low light spot. 

3. Pigmentary Maculopathy

Linked to the Maculopathy syndrome, the Elmiron eye damage symptoms show that there is a possibility of Pigmentary Maculopathy syndrome. This syndrome has been a misdiagnosed case as age-related macular degeneration disease. 

Pigmentary maculopathy would appear when you continuously take Elmiron to cure your painful bladder syndrome. The period of use of Elmiron must be at least three years, yet it depends on certain patients. 

Common Symptoms

Basically, common symptoms of Pigmentary Maculopathy are particularly related to Maculopathy. However, the common symptom of this syndrome potentially causes permanent vision loss. 

This condition is the result of the Elmiron eye damage symptoms that could be severe after years of taking the medicine. If you are experiencing the effects of Elmiron, you should call your medical professional or you may also claim a lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals. 

4. Scotoma

Another side effect of consuming Elmiron is Scotoma. This condition is a field of abnormality in your vision and also a blind spot that blocks your vision. The blind spot of Scotoma is more likely to appear in one eye, yet it is possible to get both eyes a Scotoma.

There is a situation when your retina does not send signals to the brain when the spot touches your retina. This is Scotoma, a syndrome that you are probably experiencing temporarily or permanently if it is getting severe. 

Common Symptoms

Scotoma appears after your system fails to send signals that are snapped by your eyes to the brain. For this reason, your vision will be blocked and troubled since there is a spot that covers your vision. Further, when your vision is blocked, you are unable to see certain colors or be color blind.

The side effect of Elmiron that caused Scotoma could make you struggle to see in dim light. You need a lot of lights to make your sight crystal clear. 

Elmiron Eye Damage Symptoms

Moreover, the common Elmiron eye damage symptoms are listed below.

  • Elmiron would make your vision blurry.
  • Dark spots in the center of your vision.
  • Unable to examine straight lines since your vision counts them as curves.
  • Muted colors.
  • Eye pain.
  • The hardship of reading, driving, and other normal seeing situations.
  • Struggling to adapt to low light levels.

What Should You Do Over the Elmiron Eye Damage Symptoms?

Elmiron, the type of medicine that supposedly cures painful bladder syndrome, turns out to carry heavy side effects. You could experience eye damage due to daily consumption of Elmiron. However, Elmiron eye damage symptoms would have occurred after years of you stopped taking this medicine.

If you experience such mild symptoms, you can call your doctor to check the condition of your eyes. Additionally, if you probably experience severe side effects and it could be a negligence case of the company, you can file an Elmiron lawsuit to the court with your attorney.

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