Roll Over Accident Attorney: 4 Injuries that Can Be Compensated

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Roll Over Accident Attorney: 4 Injuries that Can Be Compensated

You’ll need an experienced roll over accident attorney when you get a severe injury caused by a rollover accident. Seek the possible damages you might suffer from the accident, and find the settlement process to get the proper compensation here.

What’s A Rollover Accident?

A rollover accident is when the vehicle flips upside down while driving at high speed. When it happens, the occupants’ bodies will be tossed around inside the car, causing severe injuries. A seatbelt may help in some accidents, but unfortunately, it cannot help when one gets into a rollover accident.

The accident can be divided into two types: untripped vehicle rollovers and tripped vehicle rollovers. While untripped rollovers don’t involve other objects (purely because of gravity forces or forces from the tires), tripped rollovers usually involve external things (soil-tripped or because of hitting another car).

Since the occupants’ heads can harshly strike the steering wheel, roof of the car, window, or side of the vehicle, some severe injuries may appear during and after the accident. Find out what injuries you may experience in a rollover accident below.

4 Injuries You Might Suffer from Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents can cause at least four types of injuries. The damage might be more severe than you can imagine. Therefore, you’ll need help from an experienced roll over accident attorney to settle the case. 

1. Spinal Injuries

Since rollover accidents can make the casualty’s head tossed back and forth, their neck can experience massive pressure. The pressure can result in broken vertebrae, whiplash, and spinal cord injuries. Furthermore, those injuries can lead to extreme impairment and perhaps paralysis as a worst-case scenario.

You’ll need proper rehabilitative care and off-work for the time being in order to recover fully. Sometimes, people can’t even hope to regain total recovery; however, they can always talk to legal experts to gain proper compensation.

2. Broken Bones

Other than spinal injuries, you might get broken bones, especially on the legs, ribs, and arms. In the worst case, an individual may experience an artery cut or get his lung punctured. Broken bones can occur when your limbs get crushed by the car’s weight. 

Unfortunately, the limb often can’t be saved and should be amputated when the accident happens. Even though it’s hard to recover, you can discuss this case with your roll over accident attorney.

3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is another wound that may strike the casualty of a rollover accident. It happens when the wheels of a car suddenly stop moving, but the rest of the car keeps going. 

Since the jolting effect can cause passengers to hit their heads on the steering wheel and side of the vehicle, a traumatic brain injury can occur. 

The brain injury can cause a coma, loss of bodily functions, and memory loss. Even if there’s only a slim chance for the victims to recover fully, they can keep fighting for their rights to get compensated by hiring a professional lawyer.

4. Internal Bleeding

Lastly, beware of internal bleeding caused by rollover accidents. Internal bleeding is the most dangerous damage to the body since it’s hard to identify. If this injury occurs and doesn’t get treated immediately, the worst scenario that will happen is death.

Discussing the accident case directly with a trusted roll over accident attorney is essential. Try not to waste time after getting into an accident, so the recovery chance for the casualty will also be higher.

The Settlement Process 

The plaintiffs must go through six steps of the rollover accident settlement process to receive the compensation they deserve. Look at the details below.

1. Assess the Situation

First, you must ensure that you and all the other passengers are safe. Don’t hesitate to call for medical assistance immediately to help examine the casualties’ condition.

2. Call the Police

After calling medical assistance, here’s the time to call the police since you’ll need to make a police report to record the case. Ensure you give them proper information about the injuries that the casualties have. Don’t leave the scene and keep cooperating with the officers until everything is under control.

3. Gather Evidence

Remember to take videos and photographs directly after the accident. You’ll also need to gather physical evidence and witness statements. Other than that, document everything by writing the timeline of the accident. Don’t forget to write about any kind of damaged property as well. 

The casualties need this documentation as evidence to proceed with the case with the legal advisors. 

4. Collect Information

The other records you should give to your attorney are the insurance information, name and contact information of people involved, car information, and the witness’ contact details. Don’t forget also to give the reference number of the police report.

5. Call A Roll Over Accident Attorney and Insurance Company

After collecting all the information written above, you can directly call an attorney to handle your case and navigate the settlement. Do it as soon as possible to receive adequate compensation.

6. Send a Demand Letter

The last step of the settlement process is to send a demand letter to the insurance company. A lawyer will write a professional document to request compensation and present the facts about the rollover accident for the insurance company.

2 Best Roll Over Accident Attorney

While pursuing all the documents required to have your insurance company compensate you, try to find an excellent attorney to look after your case. Here are the two best law firms you can pick.

1. Ben Crump

You can rely on Ben Crump Trial Lawyer to manage your lawsuit. This law firm has already served several types of cases, such as rollover accidents, sex abuse, medical malpractice, and hurricane damage. Try contacting their law firm and get your case solved.

They served many areas, such as Dallas, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Houston, Sacramento, Orlando, Washington D.C., and Tallahassee.

2. Krasney Law

Other well-trained attorneys can be found at Krasney Law. Here, you can request a thorough consultation with an expert to handle your rollover accident. You can depend on Krasney Law as they only determine a contingency-based fee, meaning the law firm will only get the percentage of your compensation.

No need to doubt their excellence because Krasney Law has been practicing cases since December 1987. They’ll ensure you receive your rights based on the severity of your damages.

Call Your Roll Over Accident Attorney Now!

Always recognize your injuries by presenting medical reports, and don’t forget to go through the six steps of the settlement process to get your compensation after a rollover accident strikes. The casualties can fight for their rights using all of the evidence and with a specialized lawyer’s assistance. 

Bear in mind to be careful in picking the right roll over accident attorney as well. You can choose one of the two options above to get the desirable result of your case.

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