Roundup Lawsuit Parkinson’s Disease: What Is It?

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Roundup Lawsuit Parkinson's Disease: What Is It?

Roundup is a well-known chemical herbicide product commonly used on lawns, farms, and gardens. However, after several recent studies that suggest this product can cause Parkinson’s condition, the Roundup lawsuit Parkinson’s disease emerged from people who felt affected by this product. Read this article for more information!

Get to Know Roundup, a Famous Chemical Herbicide Product

Roundup is a brand name of herbicide that is formulated to kill weeds in lawns and gardens. The product was developed by the Monsanto Company in 1973 which quickly became one of the world’s best-selling glyphosate-based herbicides used to kill weeds and other invasive plants.

As part of the development of Roundup, Monsanto Company also created genetically modified seeds in the 1990s to metabolize glyphosate. These seeds are known as Roundup Ready seeds, which Monsanto claims farmers can plant while applying the Roundup in their fields. 

Moreover, the Roundup Ready seed product from Monsanto is designed for corn, soybeans, cotton, and other crops. Since the beginning of Roundup and Roundup Ready distribution, Monsanto has aggressively marketed both in the market. As a result, sales of these two products skyrocketed between 1996 – 2011.

Then in 2018, a German pharmaceutical giant, Bayer, acquired the Monsanto company and inherited all its legal problems. As of 2022, the Bayer company agreed to pay around $11 billion to settle nearly 100,000 lawsuits that were previously against Monsanto.

The Beginning of the Roundup Lawsuit Parkinson’s Disease

The beginning of the lawsuit against Roundup products appeared in 2015. This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that glyphosate, which is the main ingredient of Roundup, has carcinogenic properties.

Since this announcement, there have been many studies revealing that the glyphosate ingredient in Roundup causes various types of chronic illnesses. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen linked to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

Later in 2019, there were also several studies stating that glyphosate is an ingredient that develops non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Then in May 2020, a recent study from Chiba University in Japan revealed that glyphosate exposure from Roundup products is a possible risk factor in the development of Parkinson’s.

Still about research from Chiba University. In the study, it was also explained that glyphosate can worsen the ability of neurons in the brain whose role is to transport dopamine to various areas in the body. As a result of this decreased neuron ability, it causes a neurodegenerative state, the cause of Parkinson’s.

Not only that, but several studies in 2022 also mentioned that the glyphosate ingredient from Roundup products is the cause of the development of thyroid cancer, liver damage, and others. As of today, there are about 100,000 lawsuits against Roundup for causing the development of various chronic illnesses.

Roundup Lawsuit Parkinson’s Condition Settlement

Shortly after Bayer purchased Monsanto in 2018, the company was immediately hit with hundreds of thousands of lawsuits. These lawsuits linked Roundup products to the development of various chronic illnesses, such as cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Parkinson’s, thyroid cancer, and liver damage.

In the settlement Bayer and Monsanto made against the Roundup lawsuit, the company managed to make several major settlements against the plaintiffs. These settlements include:

  • Johnson vs Monsanto (August 2018): Settled for $289.2 million
  • Hardeman vs Monsanto (February 2019): Settled claims for $80.2 million
  • Pilliod vs Monsanto (May 2019): Successfully settled claims for more than $2.055 billion

In addition, Bayer’s settlement agreement did not include an admission of fault. Even today, the company continues to sell products without any warning labels on the packaging. However, in July 2021, Bayer announced that it would stop selling glyphosate-based Roundup to the public in 2023.

In the announcement, Bayer still did not admit that there was anything wrong with Roundup. Instead, the company will create a new formulation that uses an alternative active ingredient. These will be reviewed and approved by state safety agencies and the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Legal Action Against Monsanto and Bayer

After all, in response to health concerns related to Roundup exposure, many people have taken legal action against Monsanto and Bayer. In recent years, these Roundup lawsuit Parkinson’s disease fights have been successful and led many aggrieved people to multi-million dollar verdicts.

What’s more, one of the biggest obstacles to taking legal action against Monsanto and Bayer cleared in July 2018. That’s when US District Court Judge Vince Chhabria denied Monsanto’s request to dismiss hundreds of lawsuits that had been filed against the company.

Then on May 10, 2022, Attorney General Elizabeth Prelogar asked the US Supreme Court to refuse Bayer’s request to dismiss the plaintiffs’ claims. The reason was that if the request had been granted, the company would have been free from the possibility of paying billions of dollars for the remaining unresolved cases.

Who is at Risk?

Basically, glyphosate exposure from Roundup products can affect anyone who frequently works with herbicides. In other words, these people may be gardeners and lawn care workers, farmers, and those who work with herbicides in fields around the world. 

In addition, glyphosate exposure can also usually occur quickly. Hence, it is important that you regulate the dosage of the chemical before you use it. Also, you should always use glyphosate-based products with caution.

Then, what kind of compensation can be obtained after successfully winning the Roundup lawsuit Parkinson’s disease? Generally, when you suffer from Parkinson’s due to exposure to glyphosate from Roundup, you are entitled to financial compensation. This compensation includes:

  • Past and future medical charges to treat your illness
  • Past and future pain and suffering from your injuries
  • Lost wages
  • Punitive damages

Already Know Much About Roundup Lawsuit Parkinson’s Disease?

Since it was revealed that the glyphosate ingredient in Roundup products causes the development of chronic illnesses like Parkinson’s. Bayer and Monsanto have since settled hundreds of thousands of cases and spent billions of dollars. Even today, there are still unresolved cases.

If you are a victim of Roundup and suffer from Parkinson’s condition, you may be entitled to compensation. For ease of obtaining compensation, you can contact personal injury lawyers in your area. These individuals will assist you in winning the Roundup lawsuit Parkinson’s disease and the illness you may suffer.

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