Welding Accident Lawyer: Handling 5 Common Welding Injuries

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Welding Accident Lawyer: Handling 5 Common Welding Injuries

The accidents caused by welding activity keep happening, so a welding accident lawyer is ready to help. But what kind of welding injuries can be discussed with an accident lawyer? Scroll down your screen to find out all the five common welding injuries.

5 Types of Welding Injury

Since welding is a risky job, it’s common for anyone to call a specialized lawyer to resolve the issue when an accident causing injuries happen. Indeed, there are already safety measures that workers should adhere to; however, accidents can be unpredictable. Let’s see the common welding injuries below.

1. Eye Injuries

Welders are often exposed to the intense light during welding. Even when welders are being super careful, there’s no telling if they suddenly got flash burns or arc eye. Welders may need to determine whether they got an arc eye immediately since the typical symptoms can appear thirty minutes after exposure.

The symptoms of arc eye are red and watery eyes, swollen eyelids, facial redness, and impaired vision. Sometimes, an arc eye can be known from someone’s sensitivity to light or photophobia, which light can cause them to have headaches.

2. Hearing Loss

Another injury that can appear because of welding activity is hearing loss. Because welding is commonly loud, and when the welders aren’t careful enough, they could suffer hearing loss. Therefore, wearing adequate hearing protection is necessary for welders before working.

However, if this accident happens even when the welders are careful enough to wear adequate safety equipment, they can contact a welding accident lawyer for further assistance.

3. Burns

Since welding involves fiery sparks and hot metal, it’s common for welders to experience burns. According to the Occupational Health and Safety blog, there are several types of welding burns: thermal, chemical, and radiation.

Thermal burns frequently occur during welding caused by the heat. Chemical burns can appear when the skin comes into contact with chemicals, such as fluxes or cleaning solvents, during the welding process. Radiation burns will likely occur when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet or infrared radiation.

4. Electric Shocks

Welders can also experience electric shocks when working. The cause may vary, from improper handling to faulty equipment. Welders can immediately call for help from a welding accident lawyer if proof of negligence occurs. 

Various examples of negligence exist, such as poor safety training and lack of electrical equipment maintenance.

5. Respiratory Issues

Lastly, welders can suffer from respiratory issues because welding involves gases and fumes. Respiratory problems include lung damage, asthma, metal fume fever, or chronic bronchitis.

If you’re experiencing those injuries, discuss them with your trusted lawyer before filing a case. You can get adequate compensation for your medical treatment and bills by discussing the case to an experienced lawyer.

The Settlement for Damages

A successful trial and a great welding accident lawyer can help you to receive the compensation you’ve been hoping for. The damages that your employer should compensate you include five variables mentioned below. 

1. Past and future medical bills associated with the welding incident.

2. Medical expenses. 

3. Emotional damages or suffering and pain compensation.

4. Treble damages (three times the settlement from the defendant to punish them). 

5. The disability resulted from the injuries (for example, lost sight and hearing).

Getting compensation couldn’t be compared to what you’ve lost. However, it’s better than nothing. So, getting the best lawyer is essential to get the most out of it.

Evidence to Claim Your Settlement

Remember always to provide substantial proof to claim your settlement. To get the maximum compensation, all you need to do is prepare these documents:

  • accident reports,
  • medical history,
  • witness statements,
  • photographs or video,
  • CCTV footage (if any), and
  • financial records (bank statements or wage slips).

These documents may help solve your case as soon as possible. Accordingly, remember to provide these while discussing your issue with your lawyer.

3 Best Welding Accident Lawyer

Get your best lawyer now to have your case handled immediately. You can pick one of the best lawyers who specialize in accident lawsuits. listed here to get maximum compensation for your injury. 

1. Morgan & Morgan

Annual successful cases handled by Morgan & Morgan have reached more than 110,000. Also, the accumulated amount of clients’ compensation recovered by Morgan & Morgan went to $,00. You may contact them for help as long as you’re in America.

As the best welding accident lawyer, Morgan & Morgan can be reached 24/7 by simply visiting their website at forthepeople.com. Moreover, don’t worry about the lawyer fee since Morgan & Morgan will only charge you after winning the case.

2. Greenberg and Ruby

Over the last ten years, Greenberg and Ruby have secured more than $30.000.000,00 for accident cases. Furthermore, rather than just providing free case evaluations, Greenberg and Ruby Law Firm always try to do their best to manage any accident case while setting a contingency-based fee.

Feel free to ask whether you can file your case at Greenberg and Ruby by calling (888) 502-2256. A proven legal professional will help you to handle your case. If you reside in Los Angeles, you can meet Greenberg and Ruby’s attorneys to discuss your case.

3. Shulman & Hill

Any accident, not only the ones caused by welding accidents, can be handled by Shulman & Hill. The lawyers at Shulman & Hill have recovered New Yorkers’ cases worth more than $400.000.000,00. And if you would like a thorough and free case consultation, don’t hesitate to contact them at 866-806-6754.

You can always contact Shulman & Hill if you’re in New York. They have ten offices in New York, namely in Manhattan, two in New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, and two in Long Island, Staten Island, and New Jersey.

Quickly Contact Your Chosen Welding Accident Lawyer!

Even though the compensation you can get after a welding accident is excellent, it’d be better to always be careful when working. Pay extra attention to what you must wear while working, and always follow the working guidelines. Bear in mind that safety comes first.

However, if you’re already trying to protect yourself from harm while working and still suffer one or more injuries caused by a welding accident, consider contacting a competent welding accident lawyer. The latter may help you with legal assistance to ease part of your burdens and suffering through compensation claims. 

The recommended law firms you can choose are Morgan & Morgan, Greenberg and Ruby, and Shulman & Hill.

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